Highlights from the Future Staffs Forum

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The Future Staffs Forum took place on Thursday 12 November in LRV and below are the highlights from the event. Unfortunately as we did not meet our target attendance of 150 students, the event will be held again on Wednesday 25 November in Stafford Student Space in the Beacon Building at 12noon. Please come along if you would like to contribute. 
Jaime and Ash led the Wednesday afternoon discussion:
It was identified that film and photography still have sessions timetabled on a Wednesday afternoon.  More than 3/4 of the 58 students in attendance indicated by a show of hands that they were in favour of the Union continuing to lobby the University to keep Wednesday afternoons free. 
Q&A with Eileen Phillips – Head of Campus and Operational Services
Car parking spaces have been increased by 160, we recognise there is a problem but limited by council planning permission. Awaiting a decision on Squires View, a derelict building adjacent the Sixth Form College and Clarice Cliff Court, which if positive will allow us to create more car parking.
Students raised the problem of fines for not parking in bays where markings aren't clear. Eileen agreed to take a look at this and report back to the Union. Another student asked if fines can be reviewed retrospectively - Eileen agreed that each case would be looked at on its individual merits.
There was also a discussion around people who do not have a blue badge parking in disabled bays. A student proposed higher fines but Eileen said this is a change that would have to be looked at from 2016/17 as the fines are set for this year. A student also raised problems with staff being given leave to park in disabled bays and whether staff’s validity to carry a blue badge is tested in any way. Eileen said the blue badge scheme worked on trust as data protection prevents her department from making enquiries. 
Tom and Emma led the nights out discussion:
Has gobble had its day?
Feedback from the discussion was that students who have been here longer are still keen, however newer students indicated they only went out once a week and may alternate that between different venues. Ash asked if stopping free entry for sports teams had had an impact and the audience indicated no. 
Students from the audience said sometimes the big nights are off-putting and they want smaller events. Some students admitted to anxiety and a fear of large crowds and others want something different, more like club nights at Ember. Calmer events such as cocktail nights, rock and roll bingo and film nights were suggested. 
Any other business
When the event was opened to the students to discuss what they liked, the topics discussed included improving the level of information on the website regarding officers’ activities and separating that from other announcements. The officers said they have more plans for setting aside time to talk to students and working with interested students on officer accountability. 
