About Us
We are the Staffs Uni Snowsports Club, or SUSC for short!
We are a group of avid skiers and snowboarders, always looking to include members no matter their ability and to give them the best chance possible to experience why we love this sport.
Unsure if you're up to it? Don't worry! We have Give It A Go sessions for cheap prices; Professional instructors, equipment and travel are all included. Make sure to look out for the dates of these sessions!
Social links for more information
We highly recommend you follow our socials for updates, information and upcoming events.
Our main form of communication and information, we highly suggest you join!
Here we post recent and upcoming events, as well as photos and videos of our recent adventures!
A linktree containing all of our socials
Our Committee 2023/24
Buster Jupp - President
Alex Gates - Comms Officer
Tino Charambamwe - Wellbeing Officer
Alec Clarke - Finance Officer
Full year membership is £65 per person which will include:
- 6 Weeks of Block Booked lessons or recreational session - Skiing or snowboarding
- Reduced skiing fee after completed coaching block
- Equipment rental (skies, board and boots)
- Transport to and from the slope
- Access to Chill Factore trips
- Personal Insurance
The cost for the coaching sessions alone, without membership are £32 each, so you're getting a great deal by becoming a member!
See you on the slopes!
Main Sessions - Dry Slope

Our main location for our evening sessions is the Stoke Ski Centre. Located just 10 minutes from the Uni, we are privileged to have this facility so close to us!
From a beginner slope to a freestyle section with large jumps, rails and ramps this facility can accommodate all types of skiing/snowboarding levels.
The knowledgeable instructors here are great if you are just getting started, but also offer help if you want to learn new tricks!
More information can be found here: http://www.stokeskicentre.co.uk/
Dry slope sessions take place weekly at Stoke Ski Centre 6 - 8 pm.

Local Trips

We also aim to do regular trips to the Chill Factore in Manchester, the UK's longest indoor slope. Great to get that feeling of the snow, without travelling too far!
As a SUSC member, you'll be offered great deals on recreational lift passes, lessons and freestyle events.
Find out more about the facility below.
Annual Holidays

The 2023 abroad trip has been finalised and booked for 16th December in Val Thorens! We hope to do more trips via NUCO in the future.
We aim for our trips to be fairly priced and will include:
Economic transport.
High-quality accommodation.
Multi-day lift pass (The thing that actually gets you up the slope).
SUSC official merch.
Offers on drinks in resorts and special events.
Buy Membership Below!