Your Officer Team

Each year, four Staffs students like yourself are elected to lead and shape the direction and priorities of the Students' Union. They are focusing on the issues that matter to you! So if you see them out and about why not stop them for a chat, or add your big ideas to our online Better Staffs Forum.

Team Manifesto

Your Elected Officers work together over their term to achieve a series of collective goals, all developed with the priorities of all students in mind!

Belonging - Led by Leah

  • Building community and belonging through events & social opportunities
  • Delivering Diversity Dialogues to encourage discussion, empathy & understanding
  • Ensuring transparent communication from our University

Student Development - Led by Joseph

  • Regular skills development workshops
  • Creating a Virtual Collab Hub to facilitate student networking and community building
  • Building a Student Success Module for additional career support
  • Promoting and creating industry opportunities
  • Creating opportunities from London for everyone
  • Boosting employment opportunities

Student Voice & Student Services - Led by Precious

  • Improving student support services
  • Ensuring services are even more student-centred
  • Encouraging more student engagement in University decision-making

Learning & Teaching - Led by Faran

  • Implementing FairFrame - anonymous marking for fairer assessments
  • Empowering hybrid learning for flexible & accessible learning
  • Ensuring accessible study hours & spaces
  • Creating better access to workspaces, software & facilities

Who Do Our Officers Meet With?

Your Elected Officers are great links between you, as a student, and the people who make the decisions in and around the Union and University. But what are these committees, and what do they actually mean for students ?

Trustee Board

Our trustees oversee everything the Students' Union does as a charity and ensure we're fulfilling our core purpose of representing students' interests. Our trustee board is made up of your 4 Elected Officers, up to 5 Student Trustees and up to 4 Lay Trustees. You can learn more about our Trustee Board here.

Students' Union and University Liason Group

Liason meetings provide an opportunity for us, as your Students' Union, to keep the University up-to-date with what we're up to and vice versa. This also give us an opportunity to share any issues with the University and get started on some solutions!

Board of Governors

Similar to our Trustee Board, the University's Board of Governors is a collective of representatives from both inside and outside of the Univeristy that oversee the management of institution. Each year two of our Elected Officers sit on this board as Student Governors. You can learn more about the Board of Governors here.

Academic Board

The University's Academic Board is a comprised of senior University staff and some elected representatives (including one of our Officers!) and is charged with looking after all of the academic aspects within the University. You can learn more about their responsibilities here.

Quality Enhancement Committee

This committee ensures that the University maintains its high standards and that the education and overall experience it provides keeps getting better and better!

Academic Strategy Committee

The Academic Strategy Committee decide which direction the University will be going in in regards to their chocies around education to ensure students have the best possible learning experience.

Partnerships Committee

This committee is responsible for fostering and managing collaborations with external organizations, businesses, and institutions to create mutually beneficial opportunities for the university and its students.

Graduate School Committee

While the other committees in this list oversee the general student population at Staffs, the Graduate School Committee specifically look after the interests of postgraduate students.

Research, Innovation and Enterprise Committee

This committee facilitates and supports initiatives to encourage high quality and exciting research, promote innovation, and foster entrepreneurial activities within the university community.

Other Groups and Committees

As well as the previous boards and committees, our Officers are involved in a selection of other groups and teams that make the decisions on a variety of themes, projects and events, including Welcome, Accommodation and more!