Housing Help

If you have a housing issue but aren't sure who can help, our advisers may be able to signpost you to the right service (we're not housing experts ourselves, but we know of agencies which are).

Looking for acommodation? Then check out the Greenpad: the Union's lettings agency.

Student Housing Information and Advice services

Shelter is perhaps the best-known free housing information agency in the UK. Its website is crammed full of useful information on housing rights, and it operates a housing advice helpline.

Citizens Advice is perhaps the best-known national free advice service in the UK. It doesn't specialise in every possible student situation, but students' housing rights are identical to everyone else's housing rights and there's a page on its website here devoted to students' housing rights. Details on how to contact Citizens Advice are here.

These pages are also full of useful information on students' housing rights

  • Free legally-qualified housing advice: SULAC

The Staffordshire University Legal Advice Clinic (SULAC) offers advice on your legal rights in respect of housing, and also advice on other areas of law.

Although this isn't free, if you want and can afford a solicitor the Law Society publishes a useful directory here.


Remember: we do our best to link to only the best external sites but we cannot be held responsible for the quality or accuracy of such websites.

Please let us know if you find any broken links: we can't check everything all the time, but if you let us know what's missing we can go hunting for it and let you know where it's moved to.


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