What is Student Voice?

Student Voice is a summary of the perspectives, experiences, opinions and ideas of our students.

Our Student Voice team empowers you to improve the quality of your course and make a lasting difference to your University experience. That’s because your Students’ Union is committed to making sure you have a brilliant time here at Staffs, both socially AND academically. If you find yourself frustrated with aspects of student life, there’s always something you can do.
Josh Barnett, Student Voice Coordinator, smiling in front of a white background.

Voice Coordinator

Maxie Gee Oliver, Campaigns Coordinator, smiling in front of a white background.


Jamie Robertson, Voice and Advocacy Manager, smiling in front of a white background.

Voice & Advocacy

You can contact us at:


Drop in and say hi to someone from the Student Voice Team:

Click here to book online!

Course Rep Information

Each course at our University should have a Course Rep - usually one for each level (year) of the Course. A Course Rep is there to connect your lecturing staff to the needs and desires of their students in order to enhance the experience everyone has whilst studying at Staffs. This means engaging with their peers to understand the ideas and issues faced on their course and collaborating with the staff who deliver it to make the changes students want and need. The role involves completing some short online training, engaging with your Union, students and University staff, and attending three or four meetings throughout the year. Interested? Take a look at the handbook for a little more information! Anyone can be a rep; you simply need to sign up using the short form below!

Click Here

Referenda Test - Please Disregard
There are no referenda running at the present time.