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About Cosplay & Crafts Society


Upcoming Events

Give it a go!
9th October 2pm - 6pm
Come and give cosplay and crafts a go! Not sure if you want to join our society? Then come and give it a go! Make sure to join our discord to find out what activities and sessions will be on. 23 can’t wait to see you there!
Give it a go!
16th October 2pm - 6pm
Come and give cosplay and crafts a go! Not sure if you want to join our society? Then come and give it a go! Make sure to join our discord to find out what activities and sessions will be on. 23 can’t wait to see you there!
Cosplay and craft session
23rd October 3pm - 6pm
T005 Beacon
Members meet up! Make sure to join the discord to know what session is running!
Cosplay and film night!
30th October 6pm - 8pm
Film Theatre
Come and show off you’re killer outfits for an early Halloween costume party and movie night!
Costume party and film night
30th October 6pm - 8pm
Film Theatre
Come and join us in the film theatre for a spooky evening full of fun and sweet treats