Suggested searches: Elections, Societies, Disabled students,Allergies
Oriental Society's Goals We want to promote equality around the university by creating a community that teaches cultural values for East Asians, South East Asians and other Asian ethnicites, making sure no one feels left out by including everyone from different backgrounds and cultures. We believe that everyone should have the chance to feel comfortable within the university, especially international students. Our main goal is to help create life long connections and for everyone within the society to feel welcome and safe. This is the best opportunity for individuals of similar cultures to come together and express themselves!
Oriental Society Events Oriental Soc has big plans throughout its existance! We are conducting weekly and active social hangouts, cultural sessions and showcasing your cooking talents in our monthly "bring your own culture's food" and many more food aimed events. Other fun social sessions will also include game nights, quiz nights, study nights, bowling, movie nights, karaoke and many more. We may also introduce trips to other UK cities.
Below is our linktree indlucing where to join, instagram and discord! >>Linktree!<<
Send in your interests and ideas to or send them in the suggestions channel on discord!