Candidate for the position of Full-Time Officer

Image for Maxie Gee Oliver

Maxie Gee Oliver

Take Staffs to the Max-ie!

Decisions at Staffordshire University are supposed to benefit one group above all else – the students. So, shouldn’t we be the big players when it comes to making those decisions.

But sometimes it can feel like we’re the sidekicks in the choices made about our education; sometimes it can feel difficult to get our voices heard by those with the power to make changes. But who said sidekicks can’t have power too?


So, who am I?

  • Staffs graduate (BA (Hons) Cartoon & Comic Arts, 2019)

  • Postgraduate student (MA Esports)

  • Student Vlogger

  • Union Team Member (Marketing)

  • Non-binary

  • Cosplayer

  • Perpetual hair colour-changer


My Three Priorities:

            Opportunities for Students: Did you know: almost every element of design that is used by the Students’ Union is produced by student staff? Yet, the University itself actually employs very few of its own students. When you guys are so good at what you do, isn’t it ‘win:win’ for the uni provide employment and work experience for its own students?

            Accessibility of Mental Health Services: Student Services provide brilliant support for students who are struggling. But waiting times, an outdated booking/self-referral system, and a lack of promotion have made some of you feel like help isn’t available. Through modernising the booking system, and investigating how to shorten waiting lists and make group sessions more viable, I want to ensure every student has access to the support they need, when they need it.

            Improving Communication: By introducing a more streamline way for students to get their voices heard by lecturers, services and eachother, I plan to make sure you can receive and share the information that’s important to you - from complaints/feedback, to easier lecturer/student communication for commuters, parents/carers, and students from other campuses.

We proudly represent the academic interests of all Students at Staffordshire University. Providing advice, student groups and fantastic experiences that make us all very Proud to be Staffs.