Candidate for the position of Full-Time Officer

Image for Tuesday Forrest

Tuesday Forrest

Run Forrest, Run!

Hello, I’m back again!
I’m Tuesday, a level 6 Games Student who has been heavily involved with the union for 3 years. “Why am I running...again?” I hear you ask, Returning to my studies has shown me that some issues still need addressing and here is what I'm running on: 

  1. Care leavers and Estranged students are currently supported by the university, there is currently no representative network for these students. We must remember these students are students too, they are subject to the exact same issues but don’t have the same support as other students. There is still a lot of work to be done in this area and I believe the union can help. 
  2. Some Courses don’t have course reps & departments don’t have department reps. For this reason I would like to implement Academic Accountability to timetabling. This would happen twice a semester where students could talk to their department heads, course leaders, Officer Lead for the school, course reps and department reps to make them aware of any issues that may have risen can be addressed. This would happen halfway through the semester and towards the end. 
  3. Every year students raise issues with various services provided for them by the university. That’s why I would like to initiate negotiations with the university and the union regarding the University’s Masterplan to see how these services can be improved moving forward with the University’s vision for the future. This needs student input, bringing forward scenarios and what can be done for those services. It can be lobbying the university to partner with a different doctors surgery or asking for a reform of Reslife, or it could even be more funding or staff for our Accessibility services for all students. These things are necessities for University life. 

We proudly represent the academic interests of all Students at Staffordshire University. Providing advice, student groups and fantastic experiences that make us all very Proud to be Staffs.