Candidate for the position of Dance Club - Finance Officer

Ananya Srivastava

Hi everyone. Being part of this society has made my first year in uni feel like home. Dancing with a group who show so much dedication, love and creativity, motivates me every day to push through all the dreaded sit ups and early morning starts to comps. Seeing us grow as a group in the short time I've been here, under the incredible support of our current committee, makes me so proud and excited to see all the things we can achieve in the new year. Helping with the finances and budgeting for the next year would not only allow me to make sure we can perform, compete and simply dance with no obstacles in our way but would also satisfy my sad need of doing extra maths and calculations outside of school. 

We proudly represent the academic interests of all Students at Staffordshire University. Providing advice, student groups and fantastic experiences that make us all very Proud to be Staffs.