Candidate for the position of Guild of Assassins - Society Manager

Dominic Freckelton

A vote for me is a vote for Blobby, or against Blobby, whichever you prefer... I have no personal attachment to the guy, well other than Stockholm Syndrome (help me... he won’t leave my wardrobe)


This is the third year I have been a (mostly) active part of this society, and in that time I have I seen a some recurring issues pop up and have had a lot of opportunities to talk to committee members as well as other players about how the society could be improved.


So, first, what are the issues that the society has suffered through and how would I go about remedying them?... (let me just note, these are issues that have popped up during the three years I have been here, and no individual year has suffered them all, we are talking about three different committees, three different heads all of who did things differently. These issues are just noticeable enough that I want to mention them, and this is in no way intended to be an attack on any committees.)


1: Infighting amongst the committee.


2: Little or no delegation.


3: Bad communication and lack of transparency (eg. games not being announced until the last minute, important details such as the actual winning condition etc. not being disclosed to the players, the players having no idea when committee meetings may have happened or what may have been discussed in them). This is an issue that I feel is mostly due to the nature of being students, most of us live pretty busy life’s (well... most of you I assume, my one is fairly boring and uneventful at the moment) between course work, actual work, societies and general life stuff such as friends and hobbies, it’s only natural that sometimes a committee would forget about making an announcement (usually it’s just reminder announcements that are forgot, the initial announcements saying when the game will take place are mostly made with plenty of time beforehand).


4: No schedule/lack of activity.


5: Missing a social element (AKA having people make friends), if you were able to look back through the past three years you would see that the players who have actually stuck around and been active are the ones who managed to make friends with one another and that’s unfortunately the minority, the rest have come and gone. The closest thing we have had to a social aspect is Ember Karaoke but its an unofficial thing that unfortunately dosnt appeal to everyone.


6: A sad absence of mid game events to bring people out and make things a little more interesting. (We have had some, The Thing, special bounties, Blobby etc. but things would be so much more fun if they happened more often)


So. With those issues noted down, let’s go over how I propose to solve them.


1: Upping the committee from three positions to five, hopefully by having more people on the committee it can help prevent it from becoming all vs one and at least when that would be the case there would be a clear and unarguable majority in favour of the decision.


2: The re-introduction of a proper subcommittee, in previous years there has been either "the Jacks" players chosen by the committee to help out and assist with games etc. or a proper subcommittee. I would see a proper subcommittee be bought back, they wouldnt have a vote in any of the decision making (that said they would be kept in the know and their opinions would be listened to) but would be around purely to help run games, solve disputes etc.


3: I would have this solved in two ways, 1: more committee members/subcommittee members means a higher likelihood of someone remembering and actually being free at the time to make an announcement, and 2: Having weekly society updates, in these we would give a general run down of what the committee has been doing, what’s been discussed in our meetings, what we have planned etc. This would just be a way to keep you all in the know, and by having these happen at the same time each week will make it easier for us to make sure we don’t forget about it (its a lot harder to forget about something that happens on a frequent basis).


4: Last year the society had a proper schedule that was kept to pretty well (that is with the exception of one incident), this schedule saw there be one short game every two weeks and one long game every month, essentially ensuring that something is frequently happening. I would have this same schedule be reintroduced and if things go well (we have a lot of active players, and the committee + subcommittee is active and happy to do so) may even make there be short games every weekend (with the exception of when there are events or deadlines).


5: This can hopefully be solved easily... via weekly socials, we as a society will book out a room where the same time and day every week people can go to, here we shall have boardgames, videogames and whatever else people want, it’s just a place for all of us to come and meet one another it would also mean that during long games there’s always a place where people may be able to find other assassins. It would also be a place where you can always find a member of the committee in case if you ever have an issue you want to discuss in person, or just want to chat.


6: The solution to this one is pretty self-explanatory... we will just make sure more things happen, whether this be by encouraging players to get up to more shenanigans (while remaining within the rules of course) or having the committee do more events mid game... the general idea here is just to keep things fun and interesting.


I know this was very wordy, and if you made it this far thanks for bearing with it. If anyone has any questions they would like to ask feel free to do so and I will be happy to answer and share my thoughts with you, you can find me on the Discord as Verlurion. 

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