Candidate for the position of Myth Society - Communications Officer

Mit Aitchison

Hey! I'm Mit, a 1st year on the Concept Art for Games and Film course. I'm part of the Chaotic Good Gremlins slate with Jamie Nicholas / Jamski (Society Manager) and Jacob Jose (Finance). I've been in the society for the past two years, and I'm particularly involved with the Dungeon Legends and Boardgames branches of the society! I'm frequently talking in the Myth Society Discord, too!

For the first semester of this year I held the role of Archmage in the Dungeon Legends Discord, helping with moderation, helping to bridge the gap between the Roleplaying Games Head and the players. I want to keep this going in my second year, on a larger scale, by running for Communications Officer!

If I get selected as Comms Officer, here are some of the things you can expect from me:

Accessibility - A Comms Officer that's difficult to reach isn't a very good Comms Officer at all, is it? I plan to always be available to members, fellow committee and subcommittee members, and the union itself.
No bias - Though my background is more centred on TTRPG and Boardgames, that doesn't mean I will keep my focus solely on those areas- All aspects of the Myth Society deserve recognition and equal opportunities to enjoy their branch of the Society! Be it LARP, Wargames, Boardgames or TTRPG, we want you to feel heard and represented!
Promotion - With the past committee's hard work, the Myth Society has grown to become quite substantial, and I hope to use this platform to promote member-run events such as campaigns and events, not only during the initial Signups, but consistently throughout the year, too!
Conversation - Have an idea on how you can help make Myth better? I plan to be approachable with ideas on how we can improve the Myth Society throughout the year, so your voices can be heard too!
Assimitation. Total rebranding to Mit-aligned names and imitages. You are reading the Manmitfesto of Mit Aitchmitson for the posmition of Communmitations Offmitcer for the Mith Socimitty.

Want to ask my any questions? Feel free to send me a DM over at Mituna#5396 on Discord! Make sure you check out the rest of my slate, Jamie Nicholas and Jacob Jose!

Thanks for reading! I hope you can consider me for your next Finance Officer!

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