Candidate for the position of Chess Club - Society Manager

George Sims

George Sims- Society Manager Manifesto

When I joined Saffs Uni I already knew I was going to join a chess society, however to my suprise there was not one present at Staffs Uni. So me and my friends took it upon ourselves to form the new society. As the founder of the new Staffodshire Chess Club 2020/21 I would like to continue to lead and grow this society in the year 2021/22. My main goal for the society is to grown in it numbers by undertaking better advertising strategies and getting more Staffs Uni students involved. My secondary goal once enough members are present is to undertake tournaments both internally in our society and externally with other universities. This will all be with the intention of establishing Staffordshire University as a fearsome competitor in the sport of chess across universities countrywide.

  • Primary Goal: Expand members 
  • Secondary Goal: Engaging in tournaments within our society and against other universities.

How do I aim to achieve these goals?

Primary: The Staffs Chess club is a new society that was created after the mass society recruitment in september. This has made its initial growth extremly slow as it did not have the explosive boost of members at the start of the acedemic year and so recruitment was missed out upon. However, this event will again occour in september 2021 my aim is to use this event as the main source of new members for the new year as recruitment during this time is easier. Although I acknoledge that it is easier to grow during these events I will also be advertising the staffordshire chess society inbetween this period. 

Secondary: During the primary goal i will get in contact with multiple universities with chess societies and discuss potential future events. Once we have gained enough members (I am aiming for roughly 20) and we have our chess ratings established these tournaments will be more realistic. To get over factors such as distance and Covid, online tournaments may be the only solution however depending on the circumstances there may be opportunity for face to face torunaments. 

We proudly represent the academic interests of all Students at Staffordshire University. Providing advice, student groups and fantastic experiences that make us all very Proud to be Staffs.