Candidate for the position of DEPARTMENT REP - Esports

Image for Jess Purdie Mcveigh

Jess Purdie Mcveigh

Empower Your Mind, Ignite Your Future: Be a Lifelong Learner!

I believe that video games have the power to unite and inspire individuals from all walks of life. I recognize that esports is not just a hobby, but a rapidly growing industry that is changing the face of entertainment and sports. As such, I pledge to:

  1. Foster a welcoming and inclusive environment:I believe that everyone, regardless of their background or skill level, has the potential to be a part of the esports community. Iwill strive to create an environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, and negativity, and where everyone can feel safe and welcome.

  2. Promote excellence: I recognize that esports is a highly competitive field and that success requires dedication, discipline, and hard work. I will encourage and support our players, coaches, and staff to strive for excellence in all aspects of the game, from strategy and teamwork to physical and mental health.

  3. Embrace innovation: I recognize that esports is constantly evolving and that new technologies and strategies are emerging all the time. We will be open to new ideas and approaches, and we will work to stay ahead of the curve in order to give our players the best possible competitive advantage.

  4. Engage with the community: I recognize that esports is not just about winning and losing, but also about building relationships and connections with others who share our passion. I will actively engage with the broader esports community, both online and offline, in order to foster positive relationships and grow the sport.

I believe that esports has the power to change lives, and I am committed to making a positive impact through our work in the Department of Esports. 

We proudly represent the academic interests of all Students at Staffordshire University. Providing advice, student groups and fantastic experiences that make us all very Proud to be Staffs.