Candidate for the position of Full-Time Officer

Image for Joseph Knight

Joseph Knight

The Knight to unite

It's time to connect the campuses!

As someone who has been on the London campus since covid, I can safely say that inter-campus events are some of the most fun and important events of the year. Whether it be varisty tournaments, or games design being able to see the rest of their collab group in Stoke-on-Trent, all of the Staffordshire University campuses each have their own strengths which I believe can be utilised so much more, to create a better university experience for all students. For example, why not use the London esport arena to host a tournament between all campuses, or send everyone who wants to go clubbing to the student club in Stoke-on-Trent?

Maybe it's not even about events, maybe some people across all the campuses feel like their voice isn't reaching all the people they want it to, and I would be committed to fixing that, by visiting as many of the campuses as I can as often as I am able to, in order to make sure everyone's voice is heard, accounted for and acted upon.


Open the London Campus!

I would be 100% willing to dedicate my own time to having the London campus open on weekends, for those who need help with work, or those who want to host weekly events. The more time the London campus can open for, the more activities we could run between all the campuses.

We proudly represent the academic interests of all Students at Staffordshire University. Providing advice, student groups and fantastic experiences that make us all very Proud to be Staffs.