Candidate for the position of Cheerleading Club - Wellbeing and Inclusion Officer

Image for Chloe Hunt

Chloe Hunt

Hi I’m Chloe, I have been a Scarlette since 2019 and I am currently one of your welfare officers, alongside Zabi.


I am applying for welfare officer again this year as I have enjoyed the opportunity to be more involved with the team and committee, and would love to continue working on what me and Zabi set in place this year. I would continue the study sessions, but I would consider varying the days that sessions ran so more members of the team could make use of the sessions. I would also like to vary the sessions, for example having a combination of fun sessions, where people can socialise and get to know each other, and then introduce quiet study sessions towards the end of terms when people have more deadlines.


I would also like to work with the social sec to create wellbeing posts for our instagram, such as tips for coping with exam and comp stress, posts which provide links and where to find resources and generally providing more useful, easy to find information for anyone who may be struggling. I would also like to get involved with charity work and raising money, especially for mental health charities such as MIND. 


I would aim to reach out to more members next year, having such  a big society this year with so many teams has made it hard for me to interact and get to know all of our members So this is something I would improve on next year, I would like to attend a variety of sessions to get to know more members of the team, so people know who I am earlier in the year, hopefully more people feel comfortable approaching me or attending study sessions.


Thanks for reading, hope you will consider me to continue being welfare officer next year, please message me if you have any questions!

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