Candidate for the position of DEPARTMENT REP - Business

Image for Muhammad Fakhar Saeed

Muhammad Fakhar Saeed

Spread the knowledge to the world.

Asslam-o-Alaikum (Greeting of Muslims)

My name is Muhammad Fakhar Saeed a student of MSc International Business Management. As a business student representative, I believe that education is the foundation for creating successful and responsible businesses that contribute to society. I believe that a business education should prepare students to not only succeed in their future careers, but also to become ethical and responsible leaders who create positive change in the world.

To achieve these goals, I propose the following manifesto for business students; Emphasize the importance of ethics and social responsibility, Foster an entrepreneurial mindset, Promote diversity and inclusion, Encourage lifelong learning and Engage with the community.

We proudly represent the academic interests of all Students at Staffordshire University. Providing advice, student groups and fantastic experiences that make us all very Proud to be Staffs.