Candidate for the position of Full-Time Officer

Image for Joshua Aston-Adams

Joshua Aston-Adams

Student Life, Redefined by students

Mental & Physical Health

  • Therapy animals. Having pets at home can be a big part of life that is lost once students have moved to university, bringing back therapy animals can help new students become accustomed to life away from home and give current students some stress relief
  • Converting the on-campus gym to 24/7 to make it more affordable and easily accessible for students
  • Ensuring the university commits to ongoing evaluation and improvement of their mental and physical health initiatives, seeking feedback from students and continually adapting to changing needs and circumstances.


Representing the underrepresented

  • Actively seek out and engage with underrepresented student groups on campus to better understand their needs and concerns
  • Advocate for greater diversity and inclusion in all areas of campus life, including student organizations, academic departments, and campus events
  • Advocate for policies and initiatives that promote equity and diversity on campus, including hiring practices and curriculum development
  • Ensure that underrepresented voices are heard and valued



  • A greater range of different events suggested by students. Listening to what you want and making it happen
  • Better promotion for the events the union run
  • Bringing more live music to the campus, through gigs at student venues such as Ember and LRV
  • Collaboration with Keele for Varsity is a big event for sports teams, this should be expanded upon to represent more student activities than just sports


Revitalising the Campus

  • The Ember Lounge has decorated its walls with student art, this has showcased the fantastic work students do as well as bring some life to the building, this is an initiative that should be followed more frequently throughout the university
  • Bringing more greenery through plants and trees to soften the concrete environment
  • A greater use of wildflowers around the campus to be more environmentally welcoming

We proudly represent the academic interests of all Students at Staffordshire University. Providing advice, student groups and fantastic experiences that make us all very Proud to be Staffs.