Hey {firstname},
You might be returning to campus for face-to-face learning soon (or might have already) so just remember it's natural to be a little worried about socialising again.

Remember, there are lots in place to make sure you feel safe but remember to:
  • Get tested often and report your results. There's no excuse when testing is available 5 days a week at the LRV
  • As tempting as it is to celebrate being reunited with your friends, remember to keep your socialising outdoors
  • Be respectful to each other by making sure you are wearing a face-covering indoors and keeping a safe distance
If you're missing human contact, here's a virtual hug from Carter to keep you going...

Hands, Face, Space... virtual hugs :-)
Voting open 26th – 28th April

This is your opportunity to decide who will #LeadStaffs as your full-time officer team, department reps, and network leads and if you're a member of a club or society, who will run them for the next academic year.

Take a look at what we can achieve together when students contribute to their Union:
  • Ensured the delivery of over 100 emergency food parcels for students isolating in halls.
  • Secured an additional £65k for students in bursaries and grants. 
  • Successfully lobbied, alongside the University, for placement nursing students to be COVID tested alongside their NHS colleagues.
And if that isn’t enough reason for you, here are 10 more reasons to vote »
Read your candidates manifestos
Ask them a question
How are you feeling about socialising again? #Togetherall
Follow #LeadStaffs on social media for the latest updates from your Students' Union Leadership Race.

Staffordshire University Students' Union 2021

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