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Everything you need to vote next week
Hey {firstname},

It's nearly time to decide who you want to #LeadStaffs.

Social media is buzzing with election campaigns, student endorsements and manifestos so make sure to join the conversation and share your support for your favourite candidates.
 Follow candidate campaigns online:
Voting opens at 10am, Monday 26th of April
You have 3 days to log in and cast your vote on the Students' Union website (

Voting closes 11:59pm on Wednesday, 28th of April.
Coming on-campus?

Here are the list of locations you can vote in person »
Add a reminder to your calendar:
Voting might not seem important now but it will affect your University experience for the next 12 - 24 months. Find out how »
You can vote for your full-time Officer Team
But you might also need to vote for a few other posts.

You can choose:
  • Your Department Representative
  • Who runs any clubs, societies or networks you're a member of
See who's standing
It takes no time at all, log in and vote
It takes no time at all, just follow these five steps...
  1. Head to when voting opens
  2. Log in and from the homepage, head to the voting page
  3. Read the candidate's manifestos
  4. Rank your candidates in order of preference and vote
  5. Check your inbox for your confirmation
Want a more detailed walkthrough? Watch our full guide »
Looking for a rent reduction or rebate?
Government guidance announced that all remaining University courses can return to in-person teaching no earlier than the 17th of May.

Some students may find themselves paying for accommodation that they are not going to now use.
Our advice to you
  • If you are legally liable for your rent, you should continue to pay it;
  • Check your contract to see if you need to give notice to your landlord if you are going to be away from your property for a period of which is often around 30 days. If this is the case, let your landlord know if you are going to be away;
  • Read your contract to see if there is a break clause included in it;
  • Speak to your landlord to see if you can come to an arrangement. Your landlord does not have to help you, but we have written a template (available through the link below) that you might find useful when contacting them;
  • If your rent includes bills and you are away from your property, you could ask your landlord to reduce your rent. If your rent does not include bills, you remain liable for them until the end of your tenancy.
Use our template to contact your landlord
Latest News
You can find the latest news and updates on our website or take a look at some our highlights from the last week.
What's On at Staffs
22nd April
3pm | Candidate Q&A
4pm | Online Painting Workshop
All day | Stephen Lawrence Day
23rd April
7pm | The Great Outdoors

24th April
9:30am | Communities and Communication conference
28th April
12:20pm | Wild Staffs Planting

29th April
10am, 12pm & 2pm | Litter pick
7pm | Leadership Race results show
Find an event for you
Proud to be Staffs story highlight
As national restrictions relaxed, we saw our community spark back to life with students, staff and visitors beginning to enjoy our on-campus spaces once more. Read the story »
Deadline stress getting to you?
If you're really feeling the pressure, ask for help.

The University has a range of professional services and self-help resources to get you back on track.
Get support now

Staffordshire University Students' Union 2021

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