Events in March

Sun 2nd March

ACS Badminton
1pm - 3pm
Sir Stanley Matthews Sports Centre
Get active and join us in another sports event!

Mon 3rd March

study skills Library and Academic Skills workshop: Recording in PowerPoint
11am - 11:15am
Online via MS Teams
"Learn the step-by-step process of recording and saving a video PowerPoint, making it easy to share your presentations effectively"
half pizza and fries Half Pizza and Fries
5pm - 8pm
Ember Lounge
Every Monday at Ember Lounge
Myth Wargames - Gaming
6pm - 11pm
Mellor S351
Myth's Bi-weekly Wargames sessions for gaming.
Events Week
3rd March 6:30pm - 7th March 9pm
The Catalyst - CA103/4

Tue 4th March

Events Week
3rd March 6:30pm - 7th March 9pm
The Catalyst - CA103/4
nacho night Nacho Night
midnight - 10pm
Ember Lounge
Only £3 every Tuesday, offer now running until 10pm.
Myth's D&D - Dungeon Legends
6pm - 10pm
Catalyst CA203/4
Myth's Weekly D&D5e oneshot system!
Weekly sessions
6:30pm - 9pm
Catalyst building: CA202
Our weekly sessions include socializing and interactive discussions on various topics. Our sessions aim to focus on how we can grow in our relationship with Christ.
Solar eclipse photo North Staffs Astronomical Society
7pm - 9pm
21st Hartshill Scout Group HQ, ST5 1DP
Search the stars, explore the galaxies with North Staffs Astro Soc
9pm - 1am
Ember Lounge
Karaoke hosted by the one and only DJ Sherz! Reckon you've got the pipes to impress others, or you and your housemates really want to bond over some terrible singing? Come join us for karaoke at Ember!

Wed 5th March

Events Week
3rd March 6:30pm - 7th March 9pm
The Catalyst - CA103/4
Poster for psychology society study session Study, Chat & Chill
1pm - 5pm
A nice chill environment to come along and get some work done
Character Quiz: The REDUX !
2pm - 5pm
T005 in the Beacon Building
It's back! Join us for a fun chill quiz session, made with your suggestions!
Myth Boardgames
3pm - 9pm
Flaxman L100
Myth's Weekly Board Game Event!
free pool Free Pool
4pm - 7pm
Ember Lounge
Why not avoid the rush hour traffic and come and play pool in Ember, absolutely FREE!
25% off everything Cheap as Chips! 25% OFF EVERYTHING!!!
5pm - 8pm
Ember Lounge
Staf-fur-dshire Weekly Furmeet
5pm - 10pm
Catalyst CA201
Come along to the weekly Staf-fur-dshire society furmeet! With fellow furries being silly with art, games and more! (Now in a MUCH bigger room!)
AniManga Meetup
6pm - 9pm
Beacon 001/002
Come join us at the Anime and Manga society to hang out and make new friends. Our sessions are usually playing games and being weebs, feelnfree to hang out :D
6pm - 9pm
Mellor S500
Weekly Splatoon meet up. Come along to hang out and play some games!
Cue Sports Society Night
7pm - 11pm
37 Normacot Rd, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 1PL
The Cue Sport social event held at Longton Snooker & Pool Club.
8pm - 10pm
MKS Discord Server
Our online sessions through our discord! Open to all students, from any campus!

Thu 6th March

Events Week
3rd March 6:30pm - 7th March 9pm
The Catalyst - CA103/4
BBCF Tournament- Fight Club
5pm - 9pm
Cadman Building / Room D101 / Stoke Campus
Fight Club BlazBlue Central Fiction Double Elimination Tournament, Free Entry, Bring your own controller
Overwatch 2 | Gaming Session!
5pm - 10pm
Come join us for our WEEKLY gaming session! We play custom games against each other, from either a casual and competitive standpoint! Come on over and make some amazing friends! Membership is mandatory to join the sessions!
pasta night Pasta Night
5pm - 8pm
Ember Lounge
Pasta bowl for only £4 and 20% off all drinks!
Social Knights' Social Night
6pm - 8pm
Catalyst CA206/CA207/CA208
6:30pm - 9pm
The Catalyst - CA103/4
Our main weekly meeting that includes a short talk and time of discussion followed by time to socialise

Fri 7th March

Events Week
3rd March 6:30pm - 7th March 9pm
The Catalyst - CA103/4
The Knit & Natter Logo Knit & Natter Friday Session
1pm - 4pm
Flaxman Building - L320
The Member's Friday session for the Knit & Natter Society
League of Legends Social
5pm - 8pm
T204, Beacon
• Team Matches – Jump into custom games or join up for Summoner’s Rift, ARAM, and more! • Coaching & Tips – Get advice from experienced members or share your own insights. • Chill & Chat – Hang out with other players and talk strategy
loaded fries day Loaded Fries-Day! With 20% OFF ALL DRINKS!
5pm - 8pm
Ember Lounge
Cheap Loaded Fries and 20% OFF ALL DRINKS!
Inclusive Social
6pm - 9pm
CA201, Catalyst
A weekly get-together for LGBTQ+ and disabled students to allow them a safe environment to craft, play games and socialise.
Mario Kart Fridays (VERVE)
6pm - 9pm
Come join us in Verve for our Mario Kart sessions!
Myth Cardgames
6pm - 11pm
Mellor S351
Myths weekly Cardgames Session
Virtually Social Game Night
6pm - 7:30pm
Join us on Virtually Social Discord server!
Come and join us for our weekly gaming session, vote for which game you'd like to play each week and make new friends within our community!
march stock exchange Bar Stock Exchange Night
8pm - midnight
Ember Lounge
Keep your eyes on the screen for some UNBELIEVABLE offers!

Mon 10th March

half pizza and fries Half Pizza and Fries
5pm - 8pm
Ember Lounge
Every Monday at Ember Lounge
Myth Wargames - Painting
6pm - 11pm
Mellor S351
Myth's Bi-weekly Wargames sessions for painting.

Tue 11th March

nacho night Nacho Night
midnight - 10pm
Ember Lounge
Only £3 every Tuesday, offer now running until 10pm.
Weekly sessions
6:30pm - 9pm
Catalyst building: CA202
Our weekly sessions include socializing and interactive discussions on various topics. Our sessions aim to focus on how we can grow in our relationship with Christ.
9pm - 1am
Ember Lounge
Karaoke hosted by the one and only DJ Sherz! Reckon you've got the pipes to impress others, or you and your housemates really want to bond over some terrible singing? Come join us for karaoke at Ember!

Wed 12th March

Poster for psychology society study session Study, Chat & Chill
1pm - 5pm
A nice chill environment to come along and get some work done
free pool Free Pool
4pm - 7pm
Ember Lounge
Why not avoid the rush hour traffic and come and play pool in Ember, absolutely FREE!
25% off everything Cheap as Chips! 25% OFF EVERYTHING!!!
5pm - 8pm
Ember Lounge
Staf-fur-dshire Weekly Furmeet
5pm - 10pm
Catalyst CA201
Come along to the weekly Staf-fur-dshire society furmeet! With fellow furries being silly with art, games and more! (Now in a MUCH bigger room!)
AniManga Meetup
6pm - 9pm
Beacon 001/002
Come join us at the Anime and Manga society to hang out and make new friends. Our sessions are usually playing games and being weebs, feelnfree to hang out :D
Debate Night 3: The Finale
6pm - 9pm
WITH KEELE ACS Speak now or forever hold your peace! Discussing controversial topics that are significant to the social climate, once more.
6pm - 9pm
Mellor S500
Weekly Splatoon meet up. Come along to hang out and play some games!
Cue Sports Society Night
7pm - 11pm
37 Normacot Rd, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 1PL
The Cue Sport social event held at Longton Snooker & Pool Club.
8pm - 10pm
MKS Discord Server
Our online sessions through our discord! Open to all students, from any campus!

Thu 13th March

study skills Library and Academic Skills workshop: Improving your Digital Wellness
11am - 11:15am
Online via MS Teams
"Discover what Digital Wellness is and explore practical tips to improve your well-being while using technology. Learn how to create a cleaner, more mindful tech experience that empowers you to achieve your goals effectively. "
Fight Club Weekly Casuals
5pm - 9pm
Cadman Building / Room D101 / Stoke Campus
Casual Fighting Game setups, bring your own controller, but we have access to Steam for games, newbies and tryhards welcome
Overwatch 2 | Gaming Session!
5pm - 10pm
Come join us for our WEEKLY gaming session! We play custom games against each other, from either a casual and competitive standpoint! Come on over and make some amazing friends! Membership is mandatory to join the sessions!
pasta night Pasta Night
5pm - 8pm
Ember Lounge
Pasta bowl for only £4 and 20% off all drinks!
Social Knights' Social Night
6pm - 8pm
Catalyst CA206/CA207/CA208
speedquiz Speedquizzing
6pm - 9pm
Ember Lounge
No pens, no paper, no cheating
6:30pm - 9pm
The Catalyst - CA103/4
Our main weekly meeting that includes a short talk and time of discussion followed by time to socialise

Fri 14th March

The Knit & Natter Logo Knit & Natter Friday Session
1pm - 4pm
Mellor Building - S351
The Member's Friday session for the Knit & Natter Society
League of Legends Social
5pm - 8pm
T204, Beacon
• Team Matches – Jump into custom games or join up for Summoner’s Rift, ARAM, and more! • Coaching & Tips – Get advice from experienced members or share your own insights. • Chill & Chat – Hang out with other players and talk strategy
loaded fries day Loaded Fries-Day! With 20% OFF ALL DRINKS!
5pm - 8pm
Ember Lounge
Cheap Loaded Fries and 20% OFF ALL DRINKS!
Inclusive Social
6pm - 9pm
CA201, Catalyst
A weekly get-together for LGBTQ+ and disabled students to allow them a safe environment to craft, play games and socialise.
Mario Kart Monthly Tournament!
6pm - 9pm
Ember Lounge
Join us in Ember Lounge for our Monthly Tournament!
Virtually Social Game Night
6pm - 7:30pm
Join us on Virtually Social Discord server!
Come and join us for our weekly gaming session, vote for which game you'd like to play each week and make new friends within our community!

Mon 17th March

half pizza and fries Half Pizza and Fries
5pm - 8pm
Ember Lounge
Every Monday at Ember Lounge

Tue 18th March

nacho night Nacho Night
midnight - 10pm
Ember Lounge
Only £3 every Tuesday, offer now running until 10pm.
9pm - 1am
Ember Lounge
Karaoke hosted by the one and only DJ Sherz! Reckon you've got the pipes to impress others, or you and your housemates really want to bond over some terrible singing? Come join us for karaoke at Ember!

Wed 19th March

Poster for psychology society study session Study, Chat & Chill
1pm - 5pm
A nice chill environment to come along and get some work done
free pool Free Pool
4pm - 7pm
Ember Lounge
Why not avoid the rush hour traffic and come and play pool in Ember, absolutely FREE!
25% off everything Cheap as Chips! 25% OFF EVERYTHING!!!
5pm - 8pm
Ember Lounge
Staf-fur-dshire Weekly Furmeet
5pm - 10pm
Catalyst CA201
Come along to the weekly Staf-fur-dshire society furmeet! With fellow furries being silly with art, games and more! (Now in a MUCH bigger room!)
AniManga Meetup
6pm - 9pm
Beacon 001/002
Come join us at the Anime and Manga society to hang out and make new friends. Our sessions are usually playing games and being weebs, feelnfree to hang out :D
6pm - 9pm
Mellor S500
Weekly Splatoon meet up. Come along to hang out and play some games!
Cue Sports Society Night
7pm - 11pm
37 Normacot Rd, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 1PL
The Cue Sport social event held at Longton Snooker & Pool Club.
8pm - 10pm
MKS Discord Server
Our online sessions through our discord! Open to all students, from any campus!

Thu 20th March

study skills Library and Academic Skills workshop: Managing your Digital Identity
11am - 11:15am
Online via MS Teams
"Explore what it means to have a digital identity and discover practical ways to enhance and improve your online presence."
Overwatch 2 | Gaming Session!
5pm - 10pm
Come join us for our WEEKLY gaming session! We play custom games against each other, from either a casual and competitive standpoint! Come on over and make some amazing friends! Membership is mandatory to join the sessions!
pasta night Pasta Night
5pm - 8pm
Ember Lounge
Pasta bowl for only £4 and 20% off all drinks!
Skullgirls Tournament - Fight Club
5pm - 9pm
Cadman Building / Room D101 / Stoke Campus
Fight Club Skullgirls Double Elimination Tournament, free entry, Bring your own controller
Social Knights' Social Night
6pm - 8pm
Catalyst CA206/CA207/CA208
6:30pm - 9pm
The Catalyst - CA103/4
Our main weekly meeting that includes a short talk and time of discussion followed by time to socialise

Fri 21st March

The Knit & Natter Logo Knit & Natter Friday Session
1pm - 4pm
Mellor Building - S351
The Member's Friday session for the Knit & Natter Society
League of Legends Social
5pm - 8pm
T204, Beacon
• Team Matches – Jump into custom games or join up for Summoner’s Rift, ARAM, and more! • Coaching & Tips – Get advice from experienced members or share your own insights. • Chill & Chat – Hang out with other players and talk strategy
loaded fries day Loaded Fries-Day! With 20% OFF ALL DRINKS!
5pm - 8pm
Ember Lounge
Cheap Loaded Fries and 20% OFF ALL DRINKS!
Inclusive Social
6pm - 9pm
CA201, Catalyst
A weekly get-together for LGBTQ+ and disabled students to allow them a safe environment to craft, play games and socialise.
Mario Kart Fridays (VERVE)
6pm - 9pm
Come join us in Verve for our Mario Kart sessions!
Virtually Social Game Night
6pm - 7:30pm
Join us on Virtually Social Discord server!
Come and join us for our weekly gaming session, vote for which game you'd like to play each week and make new friends within our community!

Mon 24th March

half pizza and fries Half Pizza and Fries
5pm - 8pm
Ember Lounge
Every Monday at Ember Lounge

Tue 25th March

nacho night Nacho Night
midnight - 10pm
Ember Lounge
Only £3 every Tuesday, offer now running until 10pm.
9pm - 1am
Ember Lounge
Karaoke hosted by the one and only DJ Sherz! Reckon you've got the pipes to impress others, or you and your housemates really want to bond over some terrible singing? Come join us for karaoke at Ember!

Wed 26th March

Law Society Mooting Final
9am - 11:30pm
The Supreme Court
Mooting Final Event at The Supreme Court
Poster for psychology society study session Study, Chat & Chill
1pm - 5pm
A nice chill environment to come along and get some work done
free pool Free Pool
4pm - 7pm
Ember Lounge
Why not avoid the rush hour traffic and come and play pool in Ember, absolutely FREE!
Rep Council
4pm - 6pm
September Room
The Student Council is the governing body of the SU. It is composed entirely of elected students that help make policy decisions, oversee the work of your Officer Team. and help steer the direction of your Students' Union.
25% off everything Cheap as Chips! 25% OFF EVERYTHING!!!
5pm - 8pm
Ember Lounge
Staf-fur-dshire Weekly Furmeet
5pm - 10pm
Catalyst CA201
Come along to the weekly Staf-fur-dshire society furmeet! With fellow furries being silly with art, games and more! (Now in a MUCH bigger room!)
AniManga Meetup
6pm - 9pm
Beacon 001/002
Come join us at the Anime and Manga society to hang out and make new friends. Our sessions are usually playing games and being weebs, feelnfree to hang out :D
6pm - 9pm
Mellor S500
Weekly Splatoon meet up. Come along to hang out and play some games!
Cue Sports Society Night
7pm - 11pm
37 Normacot Rd, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 1PL
The Cue Sport social event held at Longton Snooker & Pool Club.
8pm - 10pm
MKS Discord Server
Our online sessions through our discord! Open to all students, from any campus!
UVarsity Gobble
10pm - 3am

Thu 27th March

Fight Club Weekly Casuals
5pm - 9pm
Cadman Building / Room D101 / Stoke Campus
Casual Fighting Game setups, bring your own controller, but we have access to Steam for games, newbies and tryhards welcome
Overwatch 2 | Gaming Session!
5pm - 10pm
Come join us for our WEEKLY gaming session! We play custom games against each other, from either a casual and competitive standpoint! Come on over and make some amazing friends! Membership is mandatory to join the sessions!
pasta night Pasta Night
5pm - 8pm
Ember Lounge
Pasta bowl for only £4 and 20% off all drinks!
Social Knights' Social Night
6pm - 8pm
Catalyst CA206/CA207/CA208
speedquiz Speedquizzing
6pm - 9pm
Ember Lounge
No pens, no paper, no cheating
6:30pm - 9pm
The Catalyst - CA103/4
Our main weekly meeting that includes a short talk and time of discussion followed by time to socialise

Fri 28th March

The Knit & Natter Logo Knit & Natter Friday Session
1pm - 4pm
Mellor Building - S351
The Member's Friday session for the Knit & Natter Society
League of Legends Social
5pm - 8pm
T204, Beacon
• Team Matches – Jump into custom games or join up for Summoner’s Rift, ARAM, and more! • Coaching & Tips – Get advice from experienced members or share your own insights. • Chill & Chat – Hang out with other players and talk strategy
loaded fries day Loaded Fries-Day! With 20% OFF ALL DRINKS!
5pm - 8pm
Ember Lounge
Cheap Loaded Fries and 20% OFF ALL DRINKS!
Inclusive Social
6pm - 9pm
CA201, Catalyst
A weekly get-together for LGBTQ+ and disabled students to allow them a safe environment to craft, play games and socialise.
Mario Kart Fridays (VERVE)
6pm - 9pm
Come join us in Verve for our Mario Kart sessions!
Virtually Social Game Night
6pm - 7:30pm
Join us on Virtually Social Discord server!
Come and join us for our weekly gaming session, vote for which game you'd like to play each week and make new friends within our community!

Sun 30th March

ACS Derby: Football
2pm - 6pm
Sir Stanley Matthews Sports Centre
Prepare yourselves for the ultimate clash of the year! Support your team to the final whistle and bring glory home.

Mon 31st March

half pizza and fries Half Pizza and Fries
5pm - 8pm
Ember Lounge
Every Monday at Ember Lounge

Tue 1st April

nacho night Nacho Night
midnight - 10pm
Ember Lounge
Only £3 every Tuesday, offer now running until 10pm.
RSS Feed