Oops! You caught us!

We're in the process of updating these pages to make sure that they are perfect for you. If you can't find something you need or if something doesn't look quite right, then please let us know by emailing us at union@staffs.ac.uk

Welcome to your Students' Union

I know that being 'part of a board of trustees' sounds scary, but trust me it really isn't. Our team want to hear your thoughts and ideas on where our Students' Union should focus it's strategy to best meet student needs. You don't need to be an expert in business management, just an expert at being you and being part of our community.”

Ken Sankson

Chief Executive Officer
Staffordshire University Students' Union

Planning your Working Hours

Sickness Leave

Car Parking

Your Staff Card

Our Campuses

Maps and resources on finding us on our campuses:

Stoke on Trent Campuses Stafford Campus Royal Shrewsbury Hospital Staffordshire University London

Your Pay and Payslips

We pay our Core Team Members on the 28th day of each month.

As we operate Annualised Hours, you will  receive the same pay each month; which can be helpful when budgeting and planning your finances.

So you can track what you're earning with us, we'll send you payslips, which confirm the date of payment and how much you are to be paid, to your work email account shortly before each pay day.


It's always worthwhile planning for the long-term future, and if whilst working with us you'll have the benefit of access to a match-contribution pension scheme.

Your Union is required by law to auto-enrol you into a our pension scheme, shortly after they join our organisation (which simply means you'll start to pay into your pension pot automatically. This is also subject to some eligible criteria too.)

By default we invest 4.5% of your monthly pay into your pension, adding a further 4.5% from organisational funds.

However, if you wish you are able to withdraw from pension (therefore stopping your contributions during your employment with the Union).

For more information, take a look at our NEST Pension Portal

Students' Union Systems


To support you to contribute fully to your Students’ Union in your role, we will provide you with access to relevant technology as part of your work with us.

This includes mobile technology that can be used remotely, away from your primary base of work, as part of our flexible and blended working arrangements.

Connecting to Wifi

Our People

Our Departments


Welcome to your Students' Union Intranet!

This is your one stop shop for all information relating to your employment with Staffordshire University Students' Union.

To view your personalised Students' Union staff dashboard, please log in using your Staff Account.

Click here to Log-in Forgotten your staff account details? Click here.