Better Staffs Forum

Staffordshire University

Students’ Union

Discussion Paper for LTAC April 2016


Access to Software


The Students’ Union requests that consideration be given to the findings of the software survey which have been distributed (together with a summary document listing the software identified in the order of priority) with a view to extending access where viable.


Students have raised concerns about access to software that have been discussed at Better Staffs Forums at both sites this year.

  • Software only being available on certain pcs to which access was restricted
  •  students having to pay to subscribe to software that they needed
  • Inconsistencies between courses
  • Faculties “owning” licenses rather than being purchased centrally


“Why do Music Tech students have to pay extortionate amounts for programs when other courses get them for free? Currently paying £126 for Logic Pro X”

“Get game design software in the library- unreal engine 4, auto desk softwares, zbrush-it needs to be in the library as its 24 hours unlike the computer labs”


There was a broad agreement that we needed to collate information with specifics rather than rely on anecdotal evidence and an online software survey was created.


262 students completed the survey. The results have been shared with IT services and the Officers are discussing the findings with their Faculties as and when they meet with them.


Jaime-Lee Cunningham


Students’ Union


April 2016