Better Staffs Forum Networks

How you identify yourself can be an extremely personal and important part of who you are. Whether you identify as heterosexual or homosexual, whether you are British or Bangladeshi, Staffordshire University Students’ Union wants you all to get involved and use your student voice.

The Union’s next Better Staffs Forum, taking place on Monday 7 November, 4-6pm, in the Union boardrooms above Ember Lounge, will focus on issues surrounding equality, diversity, identity and liberation.

It will be a passionate discussion on topics like creating a new network for transgender students and whether mature students and students with mental illnesses need specific funding to provide them with more representation.

If you have an opinion on any of this, if you’re involved in any of our liberation networks or if you have a strong interest in the issues mentioned below please come and take part in our discussion.

The full agenda for the meeting is as follows:

  • Proposal for a mature students network to be established

  • Proposal for the mental health and wellbeing society to become a network

  • Rename liberation networks into equality and diversity networks

  • Proposal for a transgender network to be set up, separating it from the existing LGBT+ Network