Sexual Violence Awareness

Here at Staffordshire University, we take matters of Sexual Violence very seriously. There's #NoExcuse for any behaviour that puts a fellow student or staff member in an uncomfortable position. 
As part of our ongoing work we have teamed up with Staffordshire University and introduced the Sexual Violence Liason Officers.
We also have in place our Ask Angela campaign in all our Union Venues on campus. 
Our Sexual Violence Liasion Officers (SVLO's) have specialist knowledge & skills to appropriately support any survivors of Sexual Assault or Violence.

If you are a survivor of Sexual Assault or Violence, on or off-campus, please don't hesitate to contact one of our SVLO's:

Email -
Tel - (01782) 294374
You can also go to the Universities Report a Concern page or see our Advice and Support Services Page.

Consent is not quite as simple as tea...

Some Sexual Violence Myths
  • Myth: Rape can be an act of lust and passion.
  • Fact: Rape is about power and control and is not motivated by sexual gratification.


  • Myth: If she brought him back to the hotel room, she had the intention, so it’s not his fault?
  • Fact: At any point, consent can be withdrawn, even during sexual intercourse.


  • Myth: If a victim of sexual assault does not fight back, they must have thought the assault was not that bad or they wanted it.
  • Fact: Many survivors experience tonic immobility, often known as a ‘freeze’ response during an assault where they physically cannot move or speak. You can be 5th Dan at Karate and freeze.


  • Myth: A lot of victims lie about being raped or give false reports.
  • Fact: Only 2-6% of rapes are falsely reported, the same percentage for any other crime.


  • Myth: A person cannot rape their partner or spouse.
  • Fact: Nearly 1 in 10 women have experienced rape by an intimate partner in their lifetime.


  • Myth:  Sexual Violence doesn’t happen by people you know.
  • 90% Of perpetrators are people we know.


#NoExcuse – Working Together to Tackle Sexual Violence, Hate Crime and Harassment Working together, the University and Students’ Union have pledged to adopt a University-wide approach that commits to tackling sexual misconduct and violence and all forms of harassment and hate crime.

This will be achieved in part through the University and Students’ Unions  ‘No Excuse’ campaign, a dedicated project which encourages a culture of respect to strengthening the prevention of sexual violence, harassment and hate crimes. 

We are dedicated to raising awareness of and tackling sexual violence and also providing dedicated wrap-around care and support to any of our students who may have been affected by this. Students who have experienced sexual harassment, sexual violence or domestic abuse can now get help and guidance from the University’s Sexual Violence Prevention and Support team – more information can be found at

Tash Crump, President of Staffordshire University Students’ Union 2018/19 stated at the time, "We’re proud to be working with the University and tackling this issue head-on. Over the last year, we’ve been working hard on our ‘Be Safe’ and ‘Ask Angela’ Game Changers, and the addition of #NoExcuse is another fantastic step forward. With trained Sexual Violence Liaison Officers throughout the University and Union, and a new campaign concentrating on behaviour change, we’re ready to make a real difference to the students and staff here at Staffs."

Hannah Blackburn, President of Staffordshire University Students Union 2021/22 added "This is a message from all of us who have been victims of harassment and abuse on a night out, both physically and verbally. We will not be victims anymore. The narrative that it is acceptable to put hands up our skirts, grab our bodies, mess with our drinks, and make unsolicited comments about the way we look or dress, no longer stands. We should not have to tolerate this behaviour and we will not be victims any longer.

If you see this behaviour, call it out, hold your friends accountable and report it through the official channels.
Don't be a bystander #NoExcuse."

Staffordshire Universities Solidarity Statement