Student Support Services - Week 1

What have I been up to so far

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Staffordshire University Student Support Blog 1


So far to date:


For this project I have created a full time line which at this moment in time I am almost keeping to.

I have had my first meeting with my academic partner of which we have decided to look into some key areas of my project idea to start with along with providing me with some key information about other projects that are currently happening around the university. Janine has then also contacted the key contacts of the support services to let them know about the project that I am completing, this in the next few weeks will be extremly useful so that other areas know what I am planning to do.


Next Steps:


For the next few weeks the plan of action for me is to contact all of the support services and to try to meet with each head of department.

I will also be looking at data previously collected in the National Student Survey, the Student View Finder Survey and the welcome week survey 2012.
