Student Support Services - Number 3

What have I been up to recently

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Student Support Services


Since the last blog I have aranged a meeting with almost all of the Student Support Services within Stafford University and Staffordshire University Students' Union. - Along with asking some areas if they think they are a support service or not with different answers coming from differenent members of the teams.


With meetings with the Support Services I have recently met with the manager of the Information Cetre who gave me very useful information regarding what they are currently doing and their priorities and also what they actually do for students. What I am finding with this project at the moment is that there are some disparances from what I think some of the support services offer and what they actually offer. Escentially they are offering more things that what I believed that they did.

During all of the meetings I am explaining what I am doing and what I am trying to find out along with getting useful information - after I have done this I will be keeping all the support services informed with what I am doing - both through this blog and also with email contact. Plus when I have met with everyone the plan will be to have a survey sent out to all students and staff members to find out their specific throughts on the services, as with looking through previous NSS and SVF results the most usful information is the comments - however there are no real information available to show how many students who complete these have ever actually used the services they are talking about.


More information will come soon - but if you would like to find out more about this project or to help in anyway please email me at:
