Student Support Services - Number 5

This week looking at Student Support Services available at Staffs

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So this week I have met with more support services that are available to you on both the Stafford and Stoke campuses. -

On Tuesday I met with the University Careers centre, where as with all support services we went through what the service does for students, this includes Uni Temps (Which is new for this year and the opportunites that this will bring in the future), placements for the School of Computing, School of Engineering and School of Technology (Formally FCET). Through this I have also heard different ways in which the careers centre have advertised in the past and how they are planning to link to the staffordshire graduate (which you may have seen the universities tv advertisements for) more in teh future.

On Thursday I then met with the Universities childcare service which provide nurseries at the Stafford and Stoke Campuses. As I have never used the nursery service myself before this was a very interesting meeting finding out about the useage of the two nurserys and what they are also provide extra to parents. With the main thing from this meeting being that it is open to students, staff and the community to use and ideas that they have in the future.


From both of these meetings I have a greater understanding on what they both do and supporty students, for next week and this weekend if i get a chance: I will be meeting with the counselling service to find out more about their service along with answering more emails that i am getting from different services that I have previously missed and others that have been suggested to me.


If you would like to find out more about the project or have some suggestions regarding the Support Services available please do email me at: and i will try to get back to you as soon as I can.
