Becoming a Staffs Uni Alumni

Information for the Class of 2020 - how to stay in touch

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three people at graduation ceremony holding up a photo frame

So you're becoming Alumni of Staffordshire University (during a global pandemic) - Congratulations!

More information at |


Firstly, lets take a moment to recognise how amazing you all are for finishing your degree during Covid-19, well done!


As a Students' Union, you'd usually be able to find us at Trentham Gardens or Spode Hall handing out free #ProudToBeStaffs boxes with special voucher inside to celebrate your next return to campus, however, as we can't be with you this year, we'd like to offer something special to the Class of 2020 - simply drop us an email at when you next visit the Stoke campus and we'll arrange something for you!


Pictured: Gifts from the Students' Union stand at Graduation

So whilst the year might not have ended the way that you hoped, there's still plenty of ways you can stay connected to Staffordshire University and the people you met here if that's what you'd like to do.


Here's how...


Sign up for updates from the Staffs Alumni team

The easiest way to stay up to date is to follow @StaffsAlumni on social media.
You should also receive an email from them in August (if you've kept your contact details up to date) with some useful information.


What sort of things can I take part in as Alumni?

As well as staying up to date, the Alumni team will:
  • Let you know about any events such as reunions or networking opportunities
  • Tell you about any jobs they know of
  • Shout about any of the businesses your work for or run
  • Give you information about any signifcant changes to the University or its campuses
If you've just finished an Undergraduate degree, you can also access a special alumni discount for Postgraduate courses. Find out more information about this here.

Pictured: Battle of Staffs 2019 Alumni Sports Event. Full album available via Facebook.


How can I help students that are continuing their studies?

Alumni can help students by sharing their experiences, giving their top tips on what they would tell themselves as a newbie.
What society should they join? Should they even join one?
What’s the best food item on the menu or the go to drink from Squeeze Box – anything that would have helped them out 3/4/5 years ago.
Also keep an eye out, as they will be on the hunt for Alumni Mentors very soon...


Lastly a little message from the Alumni team...

"You are joining a globally connected alumni community and we are EVERYWHERE. Every country has a Staffs alum and you’re never far from one. And we have the best graduates – it’s a fact."


How do you feel about becoming a Staffs Alum? Email or have your say:
