Better Staffs Forum 2017

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The Better Staffs Forum is coming back on Monday 23rd January, and it’s a great way to find out whether your Student Officers are worth the titles they’re holding and whether they’ve done things they’d originally set out to do. You can also suggest things that you think need to be changed here at Staffordshire University and you can suggest these things online at any time. The forum is open to all students where a discussion and eventual vote will be held surrounding anything suggested.

Already this year we’ve discussed some important topics to help shape the future of Staffordshire University and improve this already amazing community. Getting involved and potentially benefitting yourself, and others is something to be proud of.

Two of the raised points from the last Better Staffs Forum have done incredibly well after passing discussion. One of these is more food options on campus for vegan students. There is now more signage in our venues as to what is vegan-friendly, and Squeezebox now offers a huge range of vegan options!

The other point that passed, we ended up changing a little. It was suggested that we have various food pantries around the campus to be used by our students, making food available to students 24 hours a day to anyone that needs it and allowing students to donate their own food to the cause. Instead of having various pantries on the campus, we have a single FoodHub which does the same job but in one single place.

There were various other things suggested but they unfortunately did not pass or went into a referendum late in 2016 that did not receive enough votes to be able to pass.

This is one of the great things about Student Democracy and you can really make a difference if you have any idea on how you can improve the University experience for yourself and others.

If you have any ideas, you can submit them online, and attend the actual forum in the Union boardrooms above Ember Lounge.
