Joseph's Progress Updates (May)

Want to explore some of Joseph's past progress updates? Here, you'll find a short profile of what he's been up to over May!

A photograph of Joseph Knight (full-time officer) cupping his hands around his mouth and shouting, i

This regularly updated page will help you track what Joseph has been up to throughout May 2024...

A photograph of Joseph Knight (full-time officer) cupping his hands around his mouth and shouting, i07/05 - Last week, I visited the Stoke campus for the new Chancellor's Installation, got acquainted with the new London site rep whilst discussing visiting our partner institutions over the summer, and finally, I had a catch-up with Game Dev Local (formerly Game Dev London) to confirm our first joint event in July! Keep your eyes peeled for more information in the coming weeks.

13/05 - Last week, I was a part of the new university AI steering group, where we will be working on undergrad and postgrad student guidance, academic staff guidance, and how it can be used operationally going forward! I also took part in a summer student engagement meeting where we discussed different ways to put on activities - large and small - over the summer.

20/05 - I came up to Stoke last week to meet the new officers, Leah and Precious, in person! We got along great, and I can see us being a great team over the next year! I also engaged with a Changemakers proposal submitted by Jen Sibley surrounding sensory rooms on campus! I believe we are making good progress on this front, so stay tuned for more updates.

28/05 - Last week was relatively quiet, but I was still out and about helping students! A lot of our final year Games Design students had their hand-ins, so I was present to provide support for anyone in need. I also sent out a survey to full-time officers all around the country regarding how many sensory rooms their university has and what impact they have on their students to help us build a case to get them implemented here at Staffs! Finally, I had the HEPS academic committee, where we discussed how we are going to get the required external examiners for the start of the next academic year.

Want to see more updates from Joseph? Check out his previous update pages:
Joseph's Initial Updates
Joseph's September Updates
Joseph's October Updates
Joseph's November Updates
Joseph's December Updates
Joseph's January Updates
Joseph's February Updates
Joseph's March Updates
Joseph's April Updates