Sustainable Union

What's the plan?

Sustainable thinking

We know what you've been wondering...

'Is my Students' Union meeting it's sustainability goals?'

Well the short answer is yes!

The longer answer is: We've compiled a list of our sustainability priorities and logged the progress that we've made against these.

Progress includes:

  • Hosting several fairs and partnering with a variety of vendors to bring vintage clothing fairs and green market stalls
  • Providing sustainability training to our students and staff
  • Hedgehog Friendly Campus Bronze accreditation
  • 40% reduction in retail carrier bag sales
  • Over 70 reams of paper saved
  • Over 1000 crisp packets recycled
  • Over 5000 single use cups saved!

Your Union is committed to our sustainability goals and we'll keep trying to save the planet, one small impact at a time!