Where your elected officer team are up to with the team manifesto.

Mental Health
We’ve been attending the digital well-being service meetings to work towards a much bigger Customer Service Excellence Project! We’ve heard lots of queries and issues from students in these online workshop sessions, so we’ve correlated those with feedback that’s also come to us at the union itself.
We’re using these proactively to work with the university to push for change so that we can drive the Mental Health part of our manifesto and secure a safe and easy process for all of our students here at Staffs.
Making Change Easy
With BLM being a crucial movement, and having such a great impact this year – We’ve been working on a series of ‘Respect’ videos. This aims to give insight to micro aggressions and other topics, to broaden the knowledge that our students have and make sure that there is #NoExcuse for any discrimination on campus.
With our networks we’ve been looking at how we support our Womens Network with their events and our Estranged Students and Care leavers Network has begun forming, we’ve been looking at how the university currently supports these students, and what needs improving. We’d love to hear your thoughts so please get in contact with us if you any ideas that need improving!
New reps have joined us from our London campus, so Tuesdays been working closely with our students down there to make sure they’re supported, no matter the distance!
With course closures happening campus wide, we’ve made sure our students are supported through their time here, checking If they need any final things to support them in their last few assignments, and how we can support them in that final push in finishing their degree!
As officers we meet the Deans of your schools and talk about what the current topics and queries that are arising within those schools, what the students are saying they need at those times, and how we can work together to facilitate those to better support our students.
Our paramedic and nursing students are under a lot of stress at the moment, so we’re continuing to work with the university to make sure that they are getting access to tests and other safety measures while on placements. The Union and University are also in conversations with our accommodation providers in Stafford to make sure that our students are protected and have suitable living arrangements in line with their contracts.
Value for Money
We’ve had some responses from our staffs 100 students in our Value For Money survey to get a feel of what a small group of our students spend a lot of their funds on for their courses, and how these affect their grades – In the new year we’ll be rolling this out on a much larger scale to get the fully picture of where students spend their money.
We’re looking at our outlets and how we can make these better for our students, focusing on surveys for each individual venue, and looking at what the individual needs are for our students – we’re looking at getting these together and how we can best engage these with our students. Hopefully from these surveys we can work towards an even better experience in all of our outlets and venues.
Providing Opportunities
We’re working with the careers centre on a student graduate scheme, the business school here at staffs is really keen to support this project ad have agreed to support the process mapping a development programme to a L5 apprenticeship. This is some great being made and we are slowly moving towards these potentially being available for the summer months next year. Following this we are meeting with Martin Perfect (Head Of Student & Graduate Employability) in the new year to discuss updates.
We’ve submitted our sustainability challenges to the university and are awaiting to hear the results! We’ve focused on ‘Green Walls’ around campus to make it a much more sustainable and pretty place! While also looking at recycling bins within our halls on campus.
- Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New year from your officer team, Connor, Carter, Anthony and Tuesday - Officer Team 2020/2021 -
If you have any questions for your Elected Officer team or suggestions for what they should talk about next, get in touch.
Email union@staffs.ac.uk or have your say: