Where your elected officer team are up to with the team manifesto.

Mental Health
We continue to work on 'Living la Vida Lockdown', looknig at how we can support our students coming out of this final lockdown. With the overall aim to support them and ensure a smooth transition back to normality.
Making Change Easy
Circuit has been a huge issue on our students' shoulders for years, after many years of stained clothes, smelly damp towels and broken machines. We've finally won the battle! Students constantly told us about the issues, we listened and communicated their comments on circuit over the years, we continuously took these to the university and drove for solutions. As of this August 2021, the unviersity will no longer be renewing its contract with circuit. The university along with the union will be looking into other ways it can provide washing services for its students in halls and how we can support our students going into these new plans.
Last week we were involved in the interview process for the universities new Pro Vice Chancellor of Education - "What does that mean?!?" - In short The Pro VC of Education within the university will be the member of executive that is responsible for your academic experience, making sure that the teaching standards are high, and that you are constantly shaping your own experience. It was important for us to make sure that the applicants for the job knew how important the student voice was, and the processes we go through with our students to make sure they are listened too. We look forward to seeing the final outcome from all the candidates! This week we started interviews for the Director of Learning and Teaching, who will work alongside the Pro VC of Education to ensure your experience is as good as it can be.
Before christmas the message from our stoke students was that we needed a test site on campus! We made sure to take these thoughts to the university and together we worked with Stoke council to ensure that there was a worknig test site in LRV, we even started to volunteer ourselves there!
A lot of work has gone into networks lately - We're lookingat thye structure of these, how each idividual networks works to supports its students and how they engage. We've bene focused on LGBT+ training for students and staff, while also focusing on awareness for LGBT+ History Month. with our MPC network we've been faciaiting discussion with the university to be able to understand their situations and how the university can further support them. Another focus has been on discussions for a 'Family Friendly Campus' how we can make it more open for students.
We've been contacting reps, checking on their cohorts, them personally and if there is any further support they need from the Union.
We've confirmed the exceptional regualtions with the university that is going to support our students whos studies have been affected this year - Make sure to get in contact with our advice centre if you need further support understanding/applying for this process.
Connor, Amber, Carter and Tuesday have submitted their motion to NUS as your delegated. This years motion was focused on support for parent and carer students where we have a joined approach with Swansea to hopefully make a larger impact.
Value for Money
Students often said they were unclear on where their tuition fees go, and what comes with their costs. We wanted to make sure students could see where their money went and how they benefit from it, we worked with the university to develop these brochures that explain to students what does and does not come inside your course fees.
Providing Opportunities
With covid getting in the way of a lot of students experiencing competetive sports, conversations with BUCS are focusing on the return of sports coming out of lockdown, and how our alumni can still be involved, especially after not being able to participate in their final year and really missjng key opportunities to make them #ProudToBeStaffs
- Connor, Carter, Anthony and Tuesday - Officer Team 2020/2021 -
If you have any questions for your Elected Officer team or suggestions for what they should talk about next, get in touch.
Email union@staffs.ac.uk or have your say: