We're Updating Your Student Representatives Page

Thanks for stopping by this page where you can learn more about the students that represent you!
We're currently in the process of updating this page for the 2024/25 academic year, so please bear with us and check back very soon!

Your 2023/24 Department Reps

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Lily Bollard (she/her)

Contact Me

What course do you study?


Why did you choose to be Department Rep?

I personally think I’m very good at voicing my opinion and I’m not afraid of saying things that others may be too nervous to say

Is there anything you're hoping to achieve as part of your role?

Hopefully create a discussion around hidden fees in courses / general monetary problems that can arise on courses like my own

What's a random fact people should know about you?

I’ve been to over 50 concerts since I was 10

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Muhammad Ali M. Z. (he/him)

Contact Me

What course do you study?

Biomedical Science

Why did you choose to be Department Rep?

To be able to provide a connection and link between the management and my fellow colleagues as I have been a very responsible course rep and done my utmost for the communication from the student voice to the module and course leaders. I have played an active role in helping students from minority backgrounds find the best help in and out of campus. Due to these reasons and a few others, I thought I would be able to help more students feel accomodated and their voices heard if I became the Department Rep.

Is there anything you're hoping to achieve as part of your role?

I hope to be able to better understand the professional environment of the Student Union and how it works. I'm also looking forward to be able to be a reliable person for the upcoming level 4 Course Reps.

What's a random fact people should know about you?

I can speak about 4 languages quite well, I'm polishing up on my 5th language (Spanish) and learning 6th and 7th languages, Japanese and German, respectively.

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Eleri Turner (she/her)

Contact Me

What course do you study?

Business Management

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Aurelia Brzezowska (she/her)

Contact Me

What course do you study?

Computer Science

Why did you choose to be Department Rep?

I wanted to give students a voice and make sure that there is necessary change in computing. Students need to be heard and change doesn't come by itself. I am here to ensure that the department listens to its students and responds to their thoughts.

Is there anything you're hoping to achieve as part of your role?

I am hoping to bring more cohesion to the computing department and bring everyone together. I want the students to know they're our number 1 priority and cater more events towards them. Let's compete in hackathons, make fun competitions and show off our skills at Staffs!

What's a random fact people should know about you?

I love cats, frogs and hamsters. Bring any of those up in a conversation with me and I assure you it will drag on forever.

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Afsana Hoque (she/her)

Contact Me

What course do you study?

Education Studies

Why did you choose to be Department Rep?

Due to all my peers telling me I have all the qualities to become an amazing leader

Is there anything you're hoping to achieve as part of your role?

Change and inclusivity

What's a random fact people should know about you?

I can speak 4 different languages

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James Brayford (he/him)

Contact Me

What course do you study?

Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Why did you choose to be Department Rep?

As I was the active Department Rep I managed to make some good progress with the role and wished to continue to make progress with the role.

Is there anything you're hoping to achieve as part of your role?

More communication between students and the reps to raise their concerns properly about academic issues and to ensure staff fulfil their duty to provide the best academic content and services for the students.

What's a random fact people should know about you?

I'm a 40 year old married man who enjoys gaming still at my age.

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Charlotte Willmott (she/they)

Contact Me

What course do you study?


Why did you choose to be Department Rep?

I wanted to be able to do more for students on the course

Is there anything you're hoping to achieve as part of your role?

Improve attendance and lesson engagement

What's a random fact people should know about you?

None of my tattoos' have any meaning! I just think they look cool and that I can colour them in!

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Holly Cadman (she/her)

Contact Me

What course do you study?

Games PR and Community Management

Why did you choose to be Department Rep?

In my second year at staffs Uni, I got more involved than ever with various communities and found it to be an incredibly rewarding experience. For my third year, I wanted to get even more involved, especially with the department in which I am a part of.
Plus the Games Department is in the Cadman Building... I had to.

Is there anything you're hoping to achieve as part of your role?

I want to ensure the continuing success of Staffordshire University's Games Department.

What's a random fact people should know about you?

I have a skeleton called Lenny. You may have met him?

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Amy Jones (she/her)

Contact Me

What course do you study?


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Chloe Hunt (she/her)

Contact Me

What course do you study?

Acting for Stage and Screen

Why did you choose to be Department Rep?

I did it last year and loved it.

Is there anything you're hoping to achieve as part of your role?

Continue to make change for students.

What's a random fact people should know about you?

I’m scared of pigeons.

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Jordan Brown (he/him)

Contact Me

What course do you study?

Paramedic Science

Why did you choose to be Department Rep?

I ran for rep to represent myself and address objectives that will benefit me and my fellow students. With my background in youth council, parliamentary representation, and NHS work, I aimed to increase student engagement, support paramedic and nursing societies, improve library resources, promote student voices, and enhance campus navigation. By pursuing these objectives, we can have a positive impact on our university experience and ensure that we make the most of our time at the university.

Is there anything you're hoping to achieve as part of your role?

As part of my role, there are several things I am hoping to achieve:
Enhancing student engagement: I want to create opportunities for students to actively participate in clinical practice and skills development, fostering a vibrant and interactive learning environment.
Supporting paramedic and nursing societies: I aim to provide the necessary resources and support for these societies to facilitate their members' continuous professional development and clinical skills.
Improving library resources: I want to work towards expanding the range of reference materials available, with a specific focus on paramedic skills, allowing students to access valuable resources for their education and research.
Amplifying student voices: It is important to me that every student feels empowered to express their opinions and concerns. I will work to establish platforms where students can have their voices heard and ensure that their needs are taken into account.
Enhancing campus navigation: I aim to develop a user-friendly digital map system that will make it easier for students to navigate the campus, saving them time and effort in finding their way around.
Overall, my goal is to contribute to a positive and fulfilling university experience for all students, leveraging my experience and commitment to represent their interests effectively.

What's a random fact people should know about you?

Im a Motor sport marshal at Donnington park

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Jemma Sinclair (she/her)

Contact Me

What course do you study?

Adult Nursing

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Lyra Piper (she/her)

Contact Me

What course do you study?

Psychology and Counselling

Why did you choose to be Department Rep?

To be part of helping to shape future student’s learning

Is there anything you're hoping to achieve as part of your role?

To engage with other students through their academic learning and to provide support to them when needed. To ensure that every student is happy and successful in their academic studies.

What's a random fact people should know about you?

I recently signed up to be a shout volunteer.

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Stephen Osborne (he/him)

Contact Me

What course do you study?

Health and Social Care

Why did you choose to be Department Rep?

I believe that representation of Students is vital, my life experience gives me the confidence and capability to be able to take Students issues forward. It is a role I have done before, It's challenging but within my skillset.

Is there anything you're hoping to achieve as part of your role?

There doesn't seem to be any feedback from Students to the course leads/school and I wish to improve this and feedback to Students that when they have an issue it can be taken forwards. I would like to try and make the university experience of Health and Social Care students better. We seem to be pushed around from pillar to post with class rooms. We need a home we can call our own.

What's a random fact people should know about you?

I am a serial analyser and a nerd. I have a number of hobbies and interests and I am busy socially so I like to combine hobbies where possible. As an example I wanted to build a garden model railway, and already kept chickens in the garden at home. So I worked out I could combine the two and engineered the model railway to go around the chicken coops and deliver feed to them!

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Lillith Tolley (she/they)

Contact Me

What course do you study?

Forensic Investigation

Why did you choose to be Department Rep?

To represent my school

Is there anything you're hoping to achieve as part of your role?

Keep levels of student input up in SAC meetings

What's a random fact people should know about you?

I have more tattoos than years I've been alive

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Aimee Woosnam (she/her)

Contact Me

What course do you study?

Applied Research

Postgraduate Research Representatives

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Kirsty Jones (she/her)

Contact Me

What course do you study?

PhD Biology

Why did you choose to be PGR Rep?

I decided to run for the PGR rep because I want to make sure that PGR voices are heard.

Is there anything you're hoping to achieve as part of your role?

I want to work on improving the PGR experience so that PGR's time at the university can run as smoothly as possible. I encourage anyone to get in touch if they want to raise something. Nothing is too big or too small.

What's a random fact people should know about you?

I'm a massive tennis fan.

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Jamie Nicholas (he/they)

Contact Me

What course do you study?

PhD Digital Design and Technologies

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Joh Turner-Pearson (she/her)

Contact Me

What course do you study?

PhD Psychology

Why did you choose to be Department Rep?

I think it is important to give something back. Being a dept rep allows me to take an active role in what and how PGRs are affected and be able to to have some influence over future decisions are made.

Is there anything you're hoping to achieve as part of your role?

To be a conduit for effective communication between the university and the PGRs

What's a random fact people should know about you?

I bake hugs

Other 2023/24 Representatives

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Tarjei Torvik (he/they/any)

Contact Me

What course do you study?


Why did you choose to be Department Rep?

I decided to run for site rep in London as I allready held the position last academic year, and I wanted to make sure that someone was able to fill the position in case no one else decided to run.

Is there anything you're hoping to achieve as part of your role?

This year I'm hoping to be able to suport the first london based officer and the new london union co-ordinator, as well as generally improving london campus for the students.

What's a random fact people should know about you?

I play and collect a multitude of Trading Card Games

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Tegan Jones (she/her)

Contact Me

What course do you study?

Cartoon and Comic Arts

Why did you choose to be Chair?

I wanted to help people out.

Is there anything you're hoping to achieve as part of your role?

I’m hoping to achieve clear lines of communication and help make any changes as needed.

What's a random fact people should know about you?

I love meeting new people and having fun!

Are you looking for who your current Course Rep is?
Click here for our "Find my Rep" page.





Representation Diagram: How Different Reps Work Together

Could You Be A Course Rep?

Each course at our University should have a Course Rep - usually one for each level (year) of the Course. A Course Rep is there to connect your lecturing staff to the needs and desires of their students in order to enhance the experience everyone has whilst studying at Staffs.

This means engaging with their peers to understand the ideas and issues faced on their course and collaborating with the staff who deliver it to make the changes students want and need. The role involves completing some short online training, engaging with your Union, students and University staff, and attending three or four meetings throughout the year.

Interested? Take a look at these slides for a little more information.

Anyone can be a rep; you simply need to sign up using the short form below!

Please note: you'll need to be logged in via your University account in order to access the form - if you're having trouble, just email studentvoice@staffs.ac.uk for support.

Department Representatives

Your Elected Officer Team couldn't represent your academic interests without help from Department Reps. These are student leaders who sit on our Student Representative Council and represent the student voice across each Department. Just like Officers, they're elected for and by you.

Together with your Course Rep, they will work hard to ensure that your ideas are listened to, any problems are dealt with, and changes are communicated back to you. Each of your representatives regularly meet with University staff in your department to get the best outcomes for students!