Wins for Students

Below is just a selection of positive changes made by your current officer team in just the last six months. Take a look to see what you could do.

Area of Change

What it means

Costs for scanning documents removed.

Students are incentivised to create digital copies of documents/source materials rather than paper copies. This reduces costs forstudents and reduces use the use of paper, which fits environmentally.

Thousands of students affected.

Black Heath Common Room Upgraded with relocated furnishing and estates not using it for storage.

Students (particularly nursing) have a better space to use that is more fit for purpose

Tens of students affected.


Shrewsbury Hospital common room is now being refurbished to incorporate the "staff room".

This has created a more appropriately sized and furnished communal space that puts students at the heart of what the University do, not secondary.

Hundreds of students affected.

Cadman Courtyard Space online - with protected student usage, and investment in computers and AV equipment.

There is a communal space on College Road available alongside the library opening that students have full access to and don't feel obliged to purchase something to use.

Hundreds of students affected.

Single Sign on to website.

Reduces the need for students to manage a seperate log on for the students Union site.

Thousands of students affected.

Dual Homepage on student image web browsers.

Both the University and Union website are instantly available on start-up as a resource to students.

Thousands of students affected.

Blackboard 8 retained for 3 months after the upgrade to Blackboard 9 in January.

Students have time to migrate their resources from the previous system to the new one.

Hundreds of students affected.

Engineering Student Move being change managed by University.

Stafford Students affected are being "inducted" into Stoke through Open Days, tours and support rather than "evicted" from Stafford.

Hundreds of students affected.

Centralised Timetabling Programme prioritised and brought forward to ensure students have timetables before the start of term.

Students will have advance notice of their requirements to be on campus allowing them to better manage work, travel and other commitments.

Thousands of students affected.

Centralising rooms will also address the right size/equipped rooms being used for teaching - rather than only using "faculty space".

Hundreds of students affected.

E-Feedback prioritised to deliver measured response times and accessibility to students.

Feedback times will be measurable allowing shortcommings to be identified. Feedback will be accessible remotely without having to colect it from School office/lecturers.

Thousands of students affected.

Swipe card access to Library at Nelson and Cadman.

Students will no longer have to sign in and out of the libraries out of hours and there will be more robust data about the use of the libraries and the needs of students.

Hundreds of students affected.

Extension sockets returned to Nelson Library for student use (within 48 hours of issue raised).

Students are able to use their own laptops easily in the library addressing the demand for computers in the run up to hand-ins.

Tens of students affected.

Re-instatement of training Pitches at Leek Road Campus.

Facilities which were taken out of use can now be used by clubs improving training facilities.

Tens of students affected.

Plot for allotment and funding for polytunnels and equipment secured at Stafford.

From 2013 Stafford students can grow their own food and start-up "Extreme Gardening" club.

Tens of students affected.

Inadequate furnishings when accommodation for disabled students allocated to non-mobility disability resident.

University have bookshelves etc available on request for these rooms if required.

Tens of students affected.