GreenPad Events

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Tue 24th September

Meet your GreenPad Team
1:30pm - 4pm
Science Centre
a chance to meet your student officers, who will be available to answer any student union questions or student life questions you may have or simply come and say hello. We are here to represent you during your time with the University.

Fri 27th September

Meet your Engagement Team
1:30pm - 4pm
Science Centre
University life is about developing your experiences and having a chance to engage in a range of new activities and opportunities. Come along and speak to a member of the team who can share with you the range of things you can get involved in and ear

Tue 1st October

Meet your GreenPad Team
1:30pm - 4pm
Science Centre
a chance to meet your student officers, who will be available to answer any student union questions or student life questions you may have or simply come and say hello. We are here to represent you during your time with the University.
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