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  • 4 score
    4 voters

    Printers - information and maintenance

      Today i tried printing out some needed papers for lectures in Ashley 2. 2 printers were available and neither had paper or staples. There were no warnings for this though so i paid for the printing but nothing printed. There was no information nearby about what to do in this situation. After talking to Digital Services, though they were helpful, they didn't have much idea about who maintains it or who to contact either. Printers are a vital service for students and should be regularly maintained for use by students. It needs: 1. A quicker way to get resources, such as restocking staples or paper. 2. Signs and information for people to contact about issues with printing services to get more immediate help. 3. Warnings about paper and other shortages so that improper charges do not happen. 4. An easier way to reclaim money that was improperly taken without raising a call with digital services and it taking several days if not weeks to get it back. It's also very concerning as being an able bodied student but with specific accessible needs, it was very frustrating. I can't imagine what it would be like for a disabled student or someone with a more severe need to use this service. so an improvement here is also very much desirable.
    Jamie Robertson
    4:42pm on 26 Sep 19 Thanks for your ideas, Rob! This should be quite a straightforward solution, though your experience sounds like a frustrating one. We'll pick this up with the University and let you know about any progress we make (I'm the Student Voice Manager).