Student Successes - October

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We also want to give a massive thank you to every lecturer that helped support us with Course Representative shoutouts over the previous months!


The performance centre:

You may have seen a previous article we wrote about the renovation the performance centre has been through over summer, but we wanted to re-mention it and focus on the great work our department Representative did! Chloe worked to create a document for us and her department that outlined the need for renovation of the performance centre.

Chloe worked tirelessly to get those changes implemented, connecting Course Rep feedback with minutes from meetings and collaborating with Full Time Officers, in the end landing a massive investment into the centre and positively impacting the lives of students to come for years!


Games Design:

The students at the London Campus faced an issue regarding enrolment and the optional pathways they could choose. Our London Coordinator, Connor, worked with the students to bring their concerns to the Department, whilst Your Union prepared back-up options should students face any impact on receiving their student loans due to delayed enrolment. The students worked alongside their course staff to resolve the issue and students reporting they are now on the correct pathway with minimal disruption to their funding!


Visa Extensions:

We had a student approach their Union asking for assistance with visa extensions for their cohort following the knock-on effect of resits meaning they may have to travel home to reapply and return to complete their course.

After some fact-finding, this student was able to work with the University and the Union on behalf of their peers and gained extensions for a number of the students in the cohort!


Course Rep work:

Even though the year has just started we have seen some absolutely amazing work being done by our reps:

We’ve had Digital and Technology Solutions degree apprenticeship Isobel and Ruby create a seriously impressive space for gathering course feedback on Teams. This means student voice can be readily and easily collated, to be shared on or escalated to Department Reps or Full Time Officers.

Parker has done very much the same in Automotive and Motorsport Engineering by creating their own discord chat to gather feedback from their cohort, making use of the platform already used by so many students.

And finally, Andrew shared key information from the Course Rep Handbook in a Viva Engage Group he created to bring together feedback on the Paramedic Science course, this is fantastic representation for the Stafford Campus.

Already this year we have seen great levels of engagement with us from the Course Reps and we really can’t wait to see more impacts that your representatives will deliver for you!


Do you need any help or have any ideas? Get in touch or become a Course Rep!

Have you done something class? Let us know!


For more Information on being a Course rep you can view our page here:

Or contact us on
