Nursing and Midwifery Council Preview

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What to expect and why you should attend...

Every month or so the Student Council for Pre-Qualifying Nursing and Midwifery Awards (often simply referred to as the ‘Nursing Council’) convenes at the Blackheath Lane and Royal Shrewsbury Hospital campuses to discuss the wellbeing of our students there and the quality of their experiences; academically and socially.

The great thing about these meetings is that they aren’t just attended by members of staff, a large number of attendees are nursing or midwifery students, primarily their academic reps. This gives them a great platform to exercise their student voice and bring the issues and matters that affect their cohort to the forefront.

That being said, it is key for university members of staff to attend the council, as it ensures that solutions can be found much quicker.

To give you an idea of the sort of topics that’re brought up in the forum, you can take a look at the previous meeting’s (Nov 2nd) minutes, which covered talking points such as; additional printers in the Blackheath Lane library; an insufficient microwave in the Shrewsbury break room; and suitable food alternatives for vegetarians and the diabetic. These are just a few of over 25 matters which were brought forward in those two hours alone.

Many of these will be discussed early-on during this month’s meeting, held tomorrow at BHL & RSH simultaneously, as nursing and midwifery students and staff chase up progress and results.

Councils begin separately at 1pm on each campus, discussing site-specific subjects, before it opens to a video conference between BHL & RSH at 2pm until 3pm, wherein general subjects are brought to account.

These meetings are open to any nursing or midwifery student, whether you’re an academic rep or not, and the more that arrive to bring up queries and issues, the better.

However, don’t worry if you can’t attend this time, as a review of the whole forum will be published on the union website within 24 hours of its conclusion. Keep an eye on the Shrewsbury and Blackheath Lane homepages for this report and stay informed on the changes that will be affecting you during your time at Staffs.

The Student Council for Pre-Qualifying Nursing and Midwifery Awards is held tomorrow (December 7th) in BL029 on Blackheath Lane and Room M at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital. Both run from 13:00 - 15:00.
