5 ways your Union made a #BetterStaffs from your big ideas

Any student can submit an idea they think will improve the experience at Staffordshire University on the Students' Union website

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Five ways your Union made a #BetterStaffs from your big ideas

Submit your idea for a #BetterStaffs

If you find yourself frustrated with aspects of University life or maybe you've just thought of a game changing idea to improve the lives of students at Staffs - the Students' Union #BetterStaffs Forum can help you change things within the Students' Union, Staffordshire University and even the wider world.


Here's how your ideas have become actions:

  1. You wanted a #SustainableUnion: Last year a student submitted an idea asking that the University did not invest any money into fossil fuels. Although it turned out that the University weren't, this idea help set up a University and Students' Union sustainability group, making sure that your University is acting responsibly for our planet.
  2. You wanted a more accessible University: Many have wanted 24/7 access across all of the Stoke-on-Trent campus one idea last year saw the opening of Cadman labs for even longer. This helped move the work forward on a 24/7 campus all thanks to one student's idea.
  3. You wanted access to the Adobe Suite at home: Students were expecially concerned about access to software at home during the coronavirus pandemic. Various students submitted ideas for how this could be addressed and as a result, Adobe Licences are now offered on home computers for students at Staffs.
  4. You wanted car parking for students living on campus: A contentious issue last year was car parking and halls of residents students being able to park on campus. Students submitted their suggestions through the Big Ideas tool which prompted the Students' Union to lobby for all students getting to keep their cars on campus.
  5. You wanted us to tackle period poverty: The Students' Union is proud to have committed to helping tackle period poverty. One of our big ideas last year ensured that we continued to offer free access to sanitary products in our facilities and venues and are working with the University expand this scheme.


So, what are you waiting for? Submit your big idea and help change Staffordshire University and the world for the better!


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