Update 2021: SMART for Sustainability

We’re always working to reduce our impact on the planet from the Students’ Union. Here's how.


UPDATE 2021 - See how we did against our SMART plan 2020 in our review

SMART for Sustainability

Want more information on how your Students' Union is being sustainable? Contact union@staffs.ac.uk

We’re always working to reduce our impact on the planet from the Students’ Union and every year we make our sustainability SMART plan to let you know about the bigger picture – this isn’t what we will do or have done, but more an overview of “how” we will do this.


What we're doing and why
Ensure accurate data collection
We can only control what we measure - increased use of systems already in place will mean a large amount of information can be gathered with minimal disruption.
Reduced disposal of stock from the venues
It is always our aim to reduce waste - we will use our waste data and where not possible, we will continue to measure the amount of waste where the Uni can provide.
Stock a range of environmental and sustainable alternative products
We will use or provide arrange of sustainable alternatives or exchange product lines for environmental and ethical reasons. 
Convene a Green Working Group responsible for organising sustainable delivery
Sustainablity is a part of what we do, and so all departments should be able to contribute to and learn from each other about the steps we are and need to take
Provide development opportunities for staff to learn more about sustainability
Staff should have the opportunity to learn more about the sustainability agenda, environmentalism and how they fit into the larger picture from external sources and professional bodies
Understand Student Priorities
We need to understand what our students want from us so that we can tailor our work to suit their needs and have a more impactful programme
Active Sustainability student groups
Student led activity is always a great opportunity for students to be involved with. They are able to develop themselves as well as benefitting the environment too
Events and Campaigns
Our officer and engagement team will incorporate sustainability in their work using the information they get from speaking to students and looking at trends and research too
Work with the University to improve sustainability initiatives of the institution
We must be part of the solution, we will support sustainability initiatives where the benefits to the University will also benefit the student experience. We will also challenge the University to meet students' demands for action
Work with community organisations to develop sustainable opportunities or benefit the environment
Being an active part of the community is key to the success of our outreach work and provides extra opportunities to our students


Want to find out more? You can find the whole SMART Plan here.