What Roles are Elected in the Leadership Race?

Nominations for the Leadership Race are open! But what do each of the posts actually mean?


And we're off! The Leadership Race has begun, and nominations are officially open! But what can you actually run for..?

Subject Rep

A subject rep is the bridge to connect Course Reps and the Full Time Officer Team. They represent whole subject areas (rather than course level, like a course rep) and champion the needs and concerns of all students in that area of study. You are only able to run/vote for the subject rep role of your subject. For example, any student on any level of BA Esports could run to be the subject rep for Esports but could not run to be the subject rep for Games Design.

Student Group Committeee

Committee members are students within a student group that lead the organisation and running of the group. Each society committee has various roles (Manager, Comms, Wellbeing and Inclusion, and Finance), and group members can run for any position and are encouraged to vote for all contested positions. While Network roles can be slightly different in name, they function in a very similar way, and the election process is the same. To run/vote for any committee position, you need to be registered as a member of that student group.

Full-Time Officer

This is seen as the 'big one' of the Leadership Race! A full-time, paid role (paying £22k!) as one of our Elected Officers for the upcoming academic year, this role requires anyone elected to lead the Students' Union and champion the student voice in conversations with the University. Candidates for this position are required to produce a manifesto of ideas they have to improve or change Staffs for its students, and are campaigning for one of four Elected Officer posts (one President and three Vice-Presidents). Whilst almost all current students are eligible to run for this position, prospective candidates should read the terms on the Leadership Race page. All current students can (and are encouraged to!) vote for their preferred Full-Time Officer candidates!
Check out the full Role Description here!