The Voice of Students Like You.

What are 'Representative Networks'?

Your Union's Networks are specifically designed to help represent the diversity of Staffordshire University's varied student body by recognising our students' various backgrounds and identities. Via any of the Networks that best describe you, you can add your voice and help our different minorities be heard in the crowd.

Interested? There's a full list of Representative Networks below and the pages include their top priorities for the year ahead - so Be Part of It and help us gather like-minded people together to make positive change at Staffs. 


Join a Network!

Are you a member of any of the following groups? Click the Network logos below to find out more.

Disabled Students Network International Students Network LGBTQ+ Network
Race and Cultural Inclusion Network Women's Network Parent and Carer Network Logo


Are we missing your Network? Get in touch to set up a Network!


Pride Event 2024

This weekend, we attended Stoke-on-Trent Pride with University and Union colleagues in Hanley Park! It was an enlightening and joyous experience for us as international students with our own cultural values, and we wanted to share the experience with you in this blog!

Disabled Students' Network, Student
Disabled Students network

For the continued support on improving accessibility for all on campus.

LGBTQ+ Network, Student Group
lgbtq+ network proud to be staffs

For coming together and raising a significant amount of money for the Transition Fund.


Any questions? Get in touch!

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Tel | 01782 295840