Faran Sabir, flicking through a book on British politics.

My Course

MSc Computer Science

Why I Ran for Officer

I couldn't resist the chance to be the voice of reason for my fellow students.

My Leadership Race Campaign

Click here to view the manifesto I campaigned with in the 24/25 Leadership Race. I then worked with the rest of the team to break it down into the projects on this page.

Favourite Memory at Staffs

The Leadership Race 2023 made my day when I received 200+ calls from the students to greet me on being elected.

Go-to Ember Lounge Order

To be honest, I've never had a meal at Ember... I can definitely think of some drinks, though!

Guilty Pleasure

When no one's around, I enjoy blasting my favourite music hits and dancing like nobody's watching.

Advice to First Years

Get involved with the SU to connect with thousands of like-minded students from all ethnicities.

Faran Sabir

Vice President | he/him

An Update from Me...

03/06 - Last week was relatively quiet due to the summer, but still productive! I participated in a discussion with the Students' Union's Campaigns Coordinator, reflecting on the past year's contributions as the 2023/24 Officer Team heads to the end of their term. I had a productive discussion with Christina Matthews about the Cadman Loft space and some regulatory issues. I attended a Summer Graduation Planning Meeting to review the plans for the July Graduation Ceremonies, and also had several catch-ups with students. Click here for previous updates.

My Manifesto

Check Back Soon... We're Updating!

Come back very soon to see my specific manifesto points, as we're in the process of updating the website right now!